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        Taiwan Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Society 2018 Annual Meeting


A great greeting from Taiwan Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Society  (TOPBS) 2018 .


Thanks for your full support to our society in last year. The 2018 annual meeting of TOPBS will be scheduled on Dec. 15-16, Taipei, Taiwan. The main issue of TOPBS 2018 will focus on genetic testing and indications of prophylactic mastectomy, especially for Asian population.


The program is designed to provide state of art evidence-based information about frequency of BRCA1/2 mutation in Asian high risk women, quality control of genetic and multigenic testing and surgical treatment of g BRCA mutant young breast cancer patients. The 2018 program also include the updated surgical treatment evolution in era of precision medicine, oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery.


Taipei is a charming modern city and have good air and weather in early winter season. The TOPBS 2018 annual meeting will hold two weeks before Christmas holiday, hoping you a peaceful season and happy break at Taipei.


Sincerely invite you to come to Taipei for the wonderful event.

帳戶:台灣乳房腫瘤手術暨重建醫學會(合作金庫-長庚分行)       帳號:(006)3638-8710-00153


Tel: (03)3281200 ext.3605


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